Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New sketch

So the Metro Spirit folks ended up not liking anybody's sketch enough and came back requesting Elvis imagery and the possible inclusion of their logo for the main feature of the issue. Ok here you go:

Quite simple, but then maybe my first was too complex? I'm not sure. If I won't 'win' this assignment, it might be a good thing. I'm swamped in other work as it is...



  1. Nice play between the curves and the straight lines, but it could be pushed like a tiny bit more. I love the little details on the jacket though.

  2. Yeaaaah...it's not my favorite thing I've done. I didn't get the gig so I'm not gonna touch it up. I'm still getting the hang of this new way of creating my characters. It's a lot harder to portray my style in sketch form. You and Mike should totally teach me better lineart creation for characters. Mine only look good in finished form. :'(
